Driven from the start by a duty to be exemplary, Palexpo mobilises its employees and stakeholders to take part in a fairer, more responsible society.
Our sustainable development ambassadors, which include one representative from each department of Palexpo, with the support of the HR division, once again helped to organise concrete actions for the environment. At the end of August 2023, disposable cups were definitively banned from the administrative building of Palexpo and each department now has its own set of cups, spoons and glasses for which it is responsible. Dallmayr vending machines no longer give cups either, and employees are asked to bring their own cups or mugs for drinks of which the prices have been reduced by 10 centimes. Cups are also available for people from outside Palexpo.
Coffee capsules that are compatible with the machines located in meeting rooms are strictly reserved for clients and can be obtained from each head of department.