A strategy that helps to make events hosted and/or organised by Palexpo more relevant, efficient, and attractive.
and personalise our communications to align our responses as closely as possible to their needs. How? By offering them personalised recommendations when they connect to our event websites or by sending newsletters with content that match their expectations.
and experience: “During the book fair in 2023, the COV and MKD teams for instance identified a strong need among the audience to have more crime fiction on the programme; we therefore managed on our end to adapt our 2024 programme in this direction,” says Nine Simon, art director of the book fair.
“We are aware that more and more exhibitors are assessing the relevance of their investment and looking for optimal ROI. Analysing the data really allows us to know more about our visitors and thus create more relevant sales tools by providing our exhibitors with valuable information on their target audience, market trends, and the efficiency of their presence at the trade show,” Jacques Weber, co-organiser of Automnales, explains.
All these actions increase the commitment of our audiences and thus their presence at trade shows For the 2022 edition of Automnales, 35% of the people who took free tickets on line ended up not going, whereas in 2023, this dropped to 25%: we therefore succeeded, through a host of highly targeted actions, to convince 10,000 people to come and enjoy the event!
More generally speaking, this strategy allows trade-show organisers to identify emerging trends, points that could be improved, and opportunities for development and innovation to offer an increasingly enriching experience to participants.
We are convinced that data-driven marketing will play a key role in the future of trade shows organised and/or hosted by Palexpo by helping to make them more relevant, efficient, and attractive… Or even to create bespoke trade shows tailored to the needs and expectations expressed the target audience! Watch this space in the next (few) years!”